Sunday 19 August 2012

Making A Simple PCB Board For The Sensor

Today we'll make a PCB for this circuit. The component the use is PCB maker pen, PCB board, etching liquid and thinner.

Im doing by my self to make a line on PCB board.This is to lower the cost to buy a new PCB board and learn how to make the PCB board without doing it at lab.

Make a MQ 4 Gas Sensor at PCB

Here the step :

1st : Clean the PCB board with soap using spongy scruber and leaveit until dry

2nd : Ligthly sketch the circuit diagram by using pencil for clear sketch before using maker pen

3rd : Then sketch by using maker pen or PCB maker

4th : Use any sharper things and then scale to remove extra lines

5th: Submerge PCB into etching solution


6th: After perfect etching, wash the PCB by using water

7th : Using thinner to remove maker lines on the PCB board

8th: Finally we will get the real line at PCB and ready to drill.!!!

The PCB board is ready to use.

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